miércoles, octubre 31, 2012

Gael García Bernal biography

Gael García Bernal biography


Actor Gael García Bernal was born on Nov. 30, 1978, in Guadalajara, Mexico. His parents were both actors. As a teen, he starred in a soap opera and became a heartthrob in Mexico. At age 19, he moved to London to study acting but returned to Mexico to make films, including Amores Perros and The Motorcycle Diaries. He has also made English-speaking films, such asThe Science of Sleep and Babel.


Born November 30, 1978 in Guadalajara, Mexico. The son of actors, Garcia Bernal began acting at a very young age. He starred in soap operas as a teenager, quickly becoming a heartthrob in his native Mexico. At 19, he moved to London to study acting at the Central School of Speech and Drama.
Garcia Bernal returned to Mexico to take the lead in some of the country's most acclaimed films, including 2000's Oscar-nominated Amores Perros, 2001's Y Tu Mamá También, and 2002's El Crimen del Padre Amaro. In 2004, he starred as Che Guevera in The Motorcycle Diaries, a celebrated adaptation of the Cuban revolutionary's chronicle of his early travels across South America.
In 2006, Garcia Bernal took on his first English-language film, The King. That year, he also appeared in The Science of Sleep andBabel, the latter of which co-stars Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett and is rumored to be an Oscar contender.

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